For Cantors: Program for all for Weekend Masses, Holy Days, School Masses and all other celebrations, at Our Lady Comforter of the Afflicted Parish. OLCA. This site is hosted by Patrick Botti for the benefit of choir members and cantors from the parish. Here you will find weekly music programs, news and links to resources.
Liturgical Seasons 2018 - July 2018
Thank you to all for a wonderful year and thank you to Sheila Warren for having organized the choir party in June. Thank you to all the cantors and their parents. Your support and dedication to our music ministry is incredible. Without you, we could not fulfill our liturgical mission. as you all know the Muller family is moving to North Carolina. later-on this month. We hope Ava will come often and cantor at Our Lady's when visiting. We wish them Gospeed. They have all our love. We will miss them. We will reinforce our cantoring program next year with more advanced training for all. Although it is time for vacation, cantoring of course does not stop. There will be two weekends without music, it will be the second and third weekends of August. cantors are not expected to sing for those two weekends. Now it is time for everyone to take a much deserved vacation. I will see you all in Septembre. We should start rehearsing and singing for the weekend of the 15th of September. - Patrick Patrick Botti, Director of Music.